Friday, 15 January 2010

When times are hard

I met this morning, an old friend from many years back over a very fine full English breakfast. We meandered gently over times past, successes and failures, near misses and direct hits as one does. We thought about how good it was in the "good old days" and reflected on how our paths had originally crossed and others we had met along the way. All good convivial stuff.

Then he turned to me and said "But don't beat your self up! It’s tough out there".

I was a little taken aback as I was not aware that I had either been beating myself up or reflecting on how tough it was. I suspect he had one of those conversations going on in his head that did not require an audience.

But he is right. Business is very tough right now for a whole lot of businesses. No matter what sector, what target market, what size, turnover and market share, there is not enough money to go round to feed everyone.

So what do you do?

I reckon that we should follow natures reaction to a famine. Slow down the metabolic rate to conserve energy and resources, eat what ever you can when you can, hide your assets to prevent them being taken and finally use the time reflecting on what to do when the famine ends.

That advice works for me - I am spending much less money and energy to ensure I can survive for as long as I can. I am seeking work where it is to be found and not waiting for the phone to ring or waiting in the dried up watering hole that has served me so well for many years. And I am rethinking my vision, goals, strategy and tactics for when the economy picks up.

What about you? What are you doing that might help us get through the famine?