Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Are you a Trusted Advisor?

Credence-UK - maximising profits through growth relies on that one key ingredient - TRUST

It has been estimated that on average it costs 4 - 7 times the amount to secure new business from new clients than it does to secure the same amount of business from an existing client. In my experience as a consultant, where it can take anything up to 6 months to get a new client onboard, I would say this estimate is on the low side.

But what would make an existing client, put you at the top of the list when a new project comes up, in a word TRUST. Be seen as a Trusted Advisor and the chances are that they will reach for your advice without going through the 'beauty parade'.

If that's not enough, there are many other benefits of being seen as a Trusted Advisor by your clients including:

• Referrals to their friends and business acquaintances
• Pay your bills without question
• More inclined to accept you recommendation and trust you judgement
• Give you more information that helps you help them
• Forgive you if you make a mistake
• Make your work much more enjoyable

How can this be achieved?

The major components of Trust are:

Credibility - do you understand your client effortlessly, always seek a fresh perspective, challenge assumptions, and give you reasoning and not just conclusions?

Reliability - are you consistent and dependable, always truthful and honourable, always have their best interests at heart?

Intimacy - do your clients feel comfortable discussing difficult subject with you, do you stay calm, can you diffuse tension in a tough situation, and do you help them to separate logic from emotion?

Low self Orientation - do you help clients think through their own decisions without imposing your solutions, does the client see you as a co-equal, and do they see you as being on their side?

How do you measure up?

Rob Hook
Credence-UK - Maximising Profits through Growth
Accelerating Business Growth and Maximising the Exit Strategy

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