Friday, 28 March 2008

Feel their pain - how to improve your sales pitch

When constructing your sales pitch it is vital that you prioritise the information you will present.

The most important and therefore the highest ranked is - what is the client looking for. What is their problem, their pain, their barrier to success. Be really diligent and use your experience and business acumen to discern what they want. Yes, they might want increased visibility for a new product in a new market. But why? What is the driver for that. What is pushing them to introduce a new product? Find out all you can

The least important pieces of information are your credentials. Assume they know enough about you by being asked to be in sales pitching process. Don't waste time telling people all about your past, they can find that out by themselves.

Be the Pitch Doctor and ease the clients pain! Do you recall the song " A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"? Be the agency with the best bedside manner

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