Monday, 16 May 2011

We are not born with maps, we have to make them.

"We are not born with maps - we have to make them, and that requires effort".

According to Scott Peck’s book “the Road Less Travelled” most people do not know where their lives are going. Their lives are directionless with few journey markers to determine progress. Peck argues, whilst they know that a map would enhance their lives, most do not make the effort to draw the map or to scope the direction they want their lives to take.

And if they do create a vision for their lives and draw a map, it is typically lacking in richness and variety. Consequently their boundaries are too small, narrow or even misleading. They have insufficient “detail” which renders their map almost valueless.

Finally, even when the map does have the requisite variety, size and accuracy it can soon become out-dated.  For it to have value it must be current which in turn means continually revising and updating it, as both we and the world in which we are seeking to grow and thrive is constantly changing. These changes impact on many aspects of our lives. The social, economic, legal, environmental and technical frameworks shift daily, sometimes even faster than that.

Creating a map or a vision requires effort. Keeping it current takes effort. Tearing it up and starting afresh takes courage and energy. No wonder people decide to drift.

Not having a vision or drawing a map or setting a direction, whatever you choose to call it, is as relevant for business growth as it is for personal growth. Many organisations leave their growth to chance and then wonder why they fail to achieve success. 

If we cling on to out-dated visions, goals and objectives, or fail to revise them, then we carry the risk of huge disappointment and failure. It creates dis-ease and manifests itself in many ways. Lethargy, demotivation, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, no sense of belonging, boredom, indifference, poor service levels, these are the symptoms of the lack of a compelling vision.

Can this situation be reversed? Absolutely yes!

Where to start?

You start by simply daydreaming. It may be hazy and nebulous at first, but work at it – wafting away the mist to reach the core idea, the spirit of your vision. It may take days, even weeks. The nice thing about this constructive daydreaming is that it you can do it and still do the day job. However, beware of thinking, as you dream your dream: ‘Oh we couldn’t do that! It’s just wishful thinking.’ Don’t be held back by what you think is possible, or you will end up limiting your vision. The moment you catch yourself starting to think of how you will achieve your dream, stop, and go back to the what - the big picture. Right now, you do not need to burden yourself with reality.

Having got some idea of what it might look like, talk to other people to see if they understand it, to see if it is reasonable, practical, do-able.

If you want more information on how to craft a compelling vision, then link here

If you need help, then talk to us. We are experts in accelerating business growth. We know the foundation on which the success of the business is built is the vision. We have a rigorous process that ensures your vision moves from inception to maturity. Call us now on 0117 230 3166.

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