Monday, 8 March 2010

Why sales programmes fail

Why do many of new business programmes fail to deliver the much promised steady stream of new clients?

The answer lies in the new business generation planning and implementation process. For many companies, the new business programme are generic, short term, passive,or hesitant.

  • Generic programme promote the company's entire range or describes it in terms that lack specificity.
  • Short term campaigns assume they can work through the entire buying cycle in under three months or less.
  • Passive programmes rely on using the media to encourage their target audience to make the first move.
  • Hesitant programmes stop and start according to the prevailing emotional or cash flow conditions at the time.
The way out of this vicious circle is to write a sales plan with a SLAP!
  • Specific - one product to one market through one channel. Avoid confusing the customers
  • Long term - The plan needs to take account of the buying cycle and how long it typically takes.
  • Active - getting customers to take action must be the aim of the programme
  • Planned - avoid hesitancy by committing to a long term plan.
Call us on 0117 9047874 if now is the time to move out of first gear and really motor.

The telephone number again is 0117 9047874.

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