Thursday, 22 July 2010

How do you decide?

Most senior business people take decisions, it is part of their job. Some decisions are mundane, routine and demand very little in terms of brain bandwidth. Others demand much, much more. Think about the BP problem in the Gulf of Mexico to get some scale of the decisions they have to take. Even the President of the United States is watching the outcomes.

Sadly, very few managers ever get to learn exactly how to improve their decision making skills. Most rely on their personality or their innate skills. That is fine, until you go back and “interrogate” the process, and then the flaws become all to obvious.

If you want to improve your decision making, then have a think about coming on our “Who Decides, Wins” Decision Making Skills Course.


We are running it in Bristol on the 16th September from 12.30 to 4.30.


Go here to book your place


Or call me on 0117 230 3166 to discuss your requirements

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