Thursday 30 August 2007

Exit strategy improves performance

In today's frenetic business climate it takes something special to succeed. It takes that something extra beyond the norm for success to happen. We cannot rely any longer on the received wisdom of today.

The traditional methods for increasing performance such as honing the creative edge, better utilisation of the talent pool, or streamlining the business processes do work to some degree. So do some of the more in-vogue ideas like enhancing culture through becoming more interdependent, enhancing client life time value through relationship marketing, and “user chooser” flexible reward schemes. They have all demonstrated their success over the years.

However, our insight into the media sector suggest that many owner managers exhibit those characteristics of the rolling stones Bob Dylan was singing about when he asks “How does it feel, to be on your own, no direction home, a complete unknown”. They have focused all their attention on doing the work of the business but lack the skills required to maximise the performance of their agency and therefore do not fully develop the capital value.

However, recent independent research in the marcoms agency sector suggests that owner managers in the marcoms sector can significantly enhance their performance by developing:

1. Belief in your own capabilities
2. An exit strategy

If you would like to know more on how an exit strategy can help you to build your agency, please call me on 0117 9047874 or email me at

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